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Character Customizer

Character Customizer

Allows you to customize a base character changing its individual assets, textures, colors and sizes, all using the same rig. Includes a test run scene.

Enemy bots AI

Enemy bots AI

Along path-finding, the bots are able to identify what's in front of them via raytracers and act accordingly. if it detects another bot, both will recalculate their paths to not bump into eachother, and if it detects the player it attacks it and signals other bots nearby to come.

Book Menu

Book Menu

A fully functional menu embedded into the pages' textures of a book asset, complemented with a background parallax.

Combinatory alien typewriter

Combinatory alien typewriter

A program that allows to type, granted a specific font, in a language that combines letters together to create special characters.



Restore health by standing on it, and when dead respawn to that point with refilled health

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